Beaulah Insure

Business Insurance

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Fire Insurance

General Accident & Liability Insurance

Comprehensive protection against accidents and liability risks.

Our general accident and liability insurance policies provide coverage for unforeseen events such as personal accidents, public liability, employer's liability, and product liability. We understand the importance of protecting your business and personal interests against potential risks and liabilities.

Professional Indemnity Policy:

Professionals - physicians, accountants, lawyers and other skilled tradespersons - can be held liable for failure to exercise reasonable care, or failure to provide an agreed-upon service. Any detriment or loss the client sustains is recoverable from the professional indemnity cover, which would take over those demands, rather than the professionals paying from their own resources

    Directors And Officers Liability Insurance

    This insurance protects directors, officers and senior managers of a company for legal liability they may incur for their actions and decisions in managing a company. This claim may be brought against them by shareholders, employees, competitors, statutory bodies etc

      Burglary / Theft Policy

      This policy indemnify the insured against loss of or damage to insured property by theft following entry to or exit from the business premises by forcible and violent means.

        Public Liability Policy

        The Policy compensates the Policyholder for liability at law to pay compensation to a Third Party for bodily injury, and or property damage while on your premises. It also pays for legal costs and expenses recovered against the insured by any successful claimant

          Group Personal Acciden

          This is a 24-hour accident cover ideal for your employees. Benefits are not limited to only work related accidents. Scope of Cover: Compensation is paid in the event of:

          • death resulting from an accident
          • permanent disablement resulting from an accident
          • temporary disablement resulting from an accident
          • medical expenses incurred as a result of an accident.

          Workmen’s Compensation Policy

          Employers have a legal liability towards employees for injury sustained during the course of their employment as defined under the Workmen’s Compensation Act. The Workmen’s compensation Policy enables the employer to reduce the uncertain amounts he may be called upon to pay as compensation to an injured employee at work.

            Fidelity Guarantee Policy

            This policy indemnifies insured (employer) against direct financial loss resulting from acts of dishonesty, theft or fraud by an employee in the course of employment. The cover is recommended to be taken on behalf of Cashiers, Bank Clerks, Salespersons, Accountants, etc.

              Bankers indemnity

              This is a special policy for banks. It offers protection against loss of money on their premises, in safe and in transit.

                Product Liability Policy

                Manufacturers of food, drinks and drugs have a duty to provide patrons with wholesome products. However, there is the risk that an unwholesome product may come out of the production line. The potential liability here is high and without insurance funds to pay, these claims would put undue strain on the manufacturer’s funds


                  This policy provides cover against loss or damage caused by an insured peril including fire, theft while the goods or part thereof are being loaded upon, carried by or unloaded from any insured vehicle anywhere within the specified geographical area

                    Money Insurance Policy

                    This policy provides cover for loss of money in transit, in the business premises, safe or vault occasioned by robbery, theft or any other fortuitous cause